Еразмус+ Младинска размена „Eco(logical) Youth“ одржана во Крушево
Младинска размена во Крушево инспирираше промена на однесувањето кај 37 млади луѓе кон поодржливи животни стилови и колективна одговорност за здравјето на планетата.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
Младинска размена во Крушево инспирираше промена на однесувањето кај 37 млади луѓе кон поодржливи животни стилови и колективна одговорност за здравјето на планетата.
Open call for participants from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania and Serbia for an Erasmus+ youth exchange “Eco(logical) Youth” that will be organized in Krushevo, Macedonia from 7th to 14th of October 2024.
Open call for participants from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania and Serbia for an Erasmus+ youth exchange “No equipment? No problem!” that will be organized in Krushevo, Macedonia from 8th to 15th of May 2024.
Open call for participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkiye, Poland and Slovenia for an Erasmus+ training course “Comedy as a Tool – Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” that will be organized in Krushevo, N. Macedonia from 26th of October to 3rd of November 2023.
Open call for participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain for an Erasmus+ youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” that will be organized in Krushevo, Macedonia from 1st to 8th of November 2022.
Open call for participants from Sweden, Italy, Georgia and Ukraine for an Erasmus+ youth exchange “Let’s Map it!” that will be organized in Krushevo, N. Macedonia from 13th to 21st of July 2022.
Open call for participants from Italy, Greece and Croatia for an Erasmus+ youth exchange that will be organized in Krushevo, N. Macedonia from 12th to 19th of May 2022.