Youth exchange “Dancing Youth” in Braga, Portugal
“Dancing youth” was a youth exchange that was held in Braga, Portugal from 7th of October till 15th of October, and was funded by the European union through the Erasmus+ program.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
“Dancing youth” was a youth exchange that was held in Braga, Portugal from 7th of October till 15th of October, and was funded by the European union through the Erasmus+ program.
Oтворен повик за 1 младински лидер за подготвителен состанок за младинска размена „My European Passport“, кој ќе се одржи во Самобор, Хрватска од 28-ми до 30-ти октомври 2021 година.
The training course „Let’s map it” where three people from Macedonia participated, took place in Knared, Sweden from the 10th to the 17th of September 2021.
Отворен повик за 1 учесник за обука „Stories for Life: Storytelling for Personal Growth“, која ќе се одржи во ASHA Centre, Глостер, Англија од 15-ти до 24-ти ноември 2021 година.
The Advance Planning Visit for the youth exchange “Let’s Enjoy Difference & Uniqueness Together!” was held in Centro “La Pace” in Benevento, Italy from 1st to 4th of October 2021.
The youth exchange “Soften Your Skills” took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 29 September – 03 October 2021.
Отворен повик за 3 учесници за Еразмус+ обука „Remote Control – Digital Youth Work: NGOs Online“, која ќе се одржи во Трикала, Грција од 1-ви до 10-ти ноември 2021 година.
From 20th to 28th of September 2021, three participants from CET platform took part in a training course in Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of this training was “Creativity 4 Change”.