Youth Exchange “Project YOU” in Taevaskoja, Estonia
“Project YOU” was a youth exchange that was held from the 11th until the 19th of May 2022, in the beautiful forest of Taevaskoja, Estonia.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
“Project YOU” was a youth exchange that was held from the 11th until the 19th of May 2022, in the beautiful forest of Taevaskoja, Estonia.
Здружението за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје објавува отворен повик за 3 учесници за Еразмус+ обука „EXODUS: Labor market: Integration of migrants”, која ќе се одржи во Анкара, Турција од 9ти – 18ти јуни 2022 година.
From the 24th of April to the 1st of May the Erasmus+ training course “Increasing quality of youth work – vulnerable youth in focus” was held in Ceuta, Spain. Young participants from Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Slovenia, were brought together, sharing points of view on the topics of minorities and migration.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Cyber me, Cyber you”, in Samobor, Croatia organized and hosted by our partners Pozitiva Samobor, from 21th to 29th of April 2022 on which we have sent 8 representatives
Отворен повик за 5 учесници за Еразмус+ младинска размена “Not much different we are”, која ќе се одржи во Карпач, Полска од 15-ти до 26-ти мај 2022 година.
Отворен повик за 3 учесници за Еразмус+ обука „Learning and Development Through Youth Work“, која ќе се одржи во регионот на Брага, Португалија од 16-ти до 24-ти мај 2022 годинa.
In the period from April 21 – 28, the young activists and volunteers of the CET Platform Slave Koteski, Dušica Koleva and Olgica Andonova were part of the TC project “Outdoor Education and Nature Activities in Youth Work” which took place in Krzyzówa in Poland.
From 7th to 15th we sent participants to an Erasmus+ training course in Lisbon together with young participants from Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Spain and Portugal. The primary task of the training “Draw for Your Rights” was to bring together young people from several EU and non-EU countries.