Отворен повик за Еразмус+ младинска размена “Not much different we are” во Полска
Отворен повик за 5 учесници за Еразмус+ младинска размена “Not much different we are”, која ќе се одржи во Карпач, Полска од 15-ти до 26-ти мај 2022 година.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
Отворен повик за 5 учесници за Еразмус+ младинска размена “Not much different we are”, која ќе се одржи во Карпач, Полска од 15-ти до 26-ти мај 2022 година.
Отворен повик за 3 учесници за Еразмус+ обука „Learning and Development Through Youth Work“, која ќе се одржи во регионот на Брага, Португалија од 16-ти до 24-ти мај 2022 годинa.
In the period from April 21 – 28, the young activists and volunteers of the CET Platform Slave Koteski, Dušica Koleva and Olgica Andonova were part of the TC project “Outdoor Education and Nature Activities in Youth Work” which took place in Krzyzówa in Poland.
From 7th to 15th we sent participants to an Erasmus+ training course in Lisbon together with young participants from Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Spain and Portugal. The primary task of the training “Draw for Your Rights” was to bring together young people from several EU and non-EU countries.
Open call for participants from Italy, Greece and Croatia for an Erasmus+ youth exchange that will be organized in Krushevo, N. Macedonia from 12th to 19th of May 2022.
We are halfway through the Strategic partnership project “Exodus” and it’s time to reflect on what has been done, discuss the ongoing activities and plan the future work. From 3rd to 6th of April 2022, the project partners will meet in person in Skopje, North Macedonia for a mid-term coordination meeting.
From 16th to 23th of March 2022, in Presenzano (Caserta region), Italy, representatives of CET platforma Skopje participated in a training course called “Together stronger for inclusive Europe”.
The training course “Social entrepreneurs in action” has finished and we wanted to share the amazing things that we have done in the final days. It showed the knowledge and experience that we as participants gained during this project and our competences in practice!