1st October – This is the day when 64 people from 8 different countries gathered together to create something unique, something beautiful, by dancing, playing music and art. I saw 63 different people and opportunities to meet everyone of them and their culture while having fun, but creating something beautiful together. At first it seemed like chaos, I couldn’t see the big picture and where it was going, what were we gonna do at the festival, but as the days went by and we practiced together it all started to make sense. And there we were, the first day of the festival where each one of us was presenting a piece of our country and a piece of ourselves and it was a beautiful thing to be part of. At this point we were close, we were having fun, we were perfectly synchronized and didn’t see that the time went by and the last day knocked on our door. We made the most of our time and said our goodbyes with the same concept that we entered this project by dancing, music and art.
-Dobrinka & Valentina
This experience was very exciting, something different from other youth exchanges which was wonderful to be a part in. Every next day was special in its own way, we learned a lot about other cultures and their songs, music, street art and lifestyle. With the daily preparations for music, dances and street art, every day we became like a family through rehearsals, performances and then the balloon festival. Everything was exciting and I am very glad that I was part of this kind of exchange and this kind of experience.