Between the 12th to 20th of October, representatives from CET Platform Macedonia, together with participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia and the Czech Republic took part in the youth exchange program “The Road to Success of Future Leaders”, which was organised in Uzana, Bulgaria.
During the days of this project, the main objective was to create and develop leadership skills into the young participants. This goal was accomplished through various outdoor and indoor workshops mostly made to engage in the communication between each other, express different opinions and show what has been learned through different challenges. The first days were meant for everyone to get acquainted with other participants and we made a lot of great friendships.
The middle part of the project was focused on learning the different styles of leadership and how every style has its own place where it can be implemented. The good part about it was that it was mostly practical instead of theoretical knowledge and through interesting outdoor games into the wider nature everyone got to test out and put into practice what they learned in theory.
We developed the skills, attitudes and approaches that leaders require to impact positively on the lives of young people. Through discussions, surveys, interactive presentations, outdoor activities, games, intercultural evenings, and working methods selected entirely in the context of non-formal education, we the improved our creativity, communication skills, teamwork and awareness of personal potential as an expression of leadership.
Our team learned a lot about not only leadership but explored different cultures where other participants come from and had an overall good time. After coming back to Macedonia we will focus on becoming better leaders in our local community and influence our environment in a positive way.