Брошура „Градење млади амбасадори на одржливата иднина“
Ви ги претставуваме главните резултати од 4 мобилности реализирани со партнерската ораганизација Позитива Самобор од Хрватска во брошурата „Градење млади амбасадори на одржливата иднина“.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
Ви ги претставуваме главните резултати од 4 мобилности реализирани со партнерската ораганизација Позитива Самобор од Хрватска во брошурата „Градење млади амбасадори на одржливата иднина“.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Training Course “Stories for Life: Deep Listening Skills for Embracing Cultural Diversity”, that took place in Asha Centre, UK from 6th until the 15th of December 2022 on which we have sent 4 representatives.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Training Course “Inside out”, that took place in Trbovlje, Slovenia from 8th until the 14th of December 2022 on which we have sent 2 representatives.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Training Course “European Citizens for Global Responsibility – introduction to global education in youth work”, that took place in Krzyżowa, Poland from 2nd until the 10th of December 2022 on which we have sent 3 representatives.
ЦЕТ платформа заедно со Форумот за образовни промени, од 1-ви до 4-ти декември 2022 година, во Крушево, го спроведоа младинскиот проект “Stronger Together – Ethnicity Peacebuilding (STEP)”.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Active Youth”, that took place in Târgoviște, Romania from 20th until the 29th of November 2022 on which we have sent 6representatives.
The “Education 4.0 for Youth” project’s most recent transnational meeting took place in Riga, Latvia from October 17-20. All project partners, representing five countries, successfully convened with 12 participants.
Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Training Course “Two Sides of the Migrants Story”, that took place in Ankara, Turkey from 8th until the 16th of October 2022 on which we have sent 4 representatives.