On April 26, 2024, the group from Macedonia consisting of five members, Marina, Marko, Mario, Mila and Matea headed to beautiful Croatia. We were ready for new experiences at the exchange in Samobor “Your Health Your Future”. The working language of this exchange was English , we were participants from Macedonia, Croatia, Turkey, Slovakia and Romania. A total of 22 participants. We were accommodated in a beautiful villa, in the town of Samobor in the part of Zagreb County. Because we were accommodated in the mountains, in a villa with a huge yard and park, where natives most of the exercises were held in that space.
Every morning after breakfast, which was organic food, we had Zumba.
We made our clay models, we were creative. For several days we practiced and did our choreography divided into five teams for Zumba. We were also good at cooking, through a strategic game at the end each team cooked a healthy meal. Every day there was a group in charge of kitchen hygiene. One day we had a presentation on how food is divided into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We made a menu for a healthy meal. We had a day where we would explore the city of Samobor through a game, we saw all sights. We visited the monument of our Kocho Racin who published the collection of poems Beli Mugri in this very place. We tried the beautiful cream pie which is a symbol of Samobor. We had an intercultural evening where we presented our country through a short story about Macedonia and Skopje, about our sights , our history. And the participants could try our traditional cuisine. We were active in sports, played sports and hiked. We had a workshop in the middle of the mountains, where we had to make a hiding place ourselves if we got lost in the mountains. Here we cooked a meal in nature. Every night we had a party , we hung out. We kept track of the waste, to sort it according to the rules. We had games, where we used different applications and did research through Canva.
During the day we were scheduled to leave, we visited the beautiful Zagreb.