On 18th of January, together with our partners #Paolab from Italy and Asociación Tilia from Spain we have kick-started in Skopje the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Urban Regeneration” that will be implemented in North Macedonia, Italy and Spain during 2025. The main aim of the project is to promote the idea about urban regeneration of abandoned/unused spaces in our communities as a way for community development and for young people to take ownership and initiatives for the well-being of their communities.
On the first day of the kick-off meeting we have reviewed and discussed in depth about the project objectives, target groups, key indicators, expected results, tasks, timeframes and budget. We have also spoken about the management and plans for implementation of the upcoming activities and the methodologies we will adapt to organize them in an efficient and effective way.
We started the second day of the Kick-off meeting of #UrbanRegeneration Erasmus+ project with discussion about the project management measures as well as the roles and responsibilities of each partner organisation. We have agreed upon the coordination, implementation and communication strategies, agreed on the measures to assess the quality, monitoring and evaluation of the project as well as decided upon the final format of the dissemination and visibility plan. At the end, we have reviewed the participatory workshops for young people, plans for urban regeneration actions in each county and the specific tasks connected to this work package.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and granted by the Italian National Agency (Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù – AIG) through the KA2 action – Small scale partnerships in Youth.