We are indeed so grateful that we had the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ Training Course “It’s all about reality” in Djakovo, Croatia from 18th till 26th of May 2022, because it was an amazing experience that enriched us with knowledge, ideas and friendships.
We really had an amazing and joyful time and we find it very inspiring how a group of youngsters from different cultures managed to function like a family in only one week.
Working with amazing youngsters and trainers to discover the methods that can be used to educate young people to recognize fake news and false information, to use their time productively on social networks, to prevent addiction to social media and to show young people that time is a limited resource and we need to use it in a more productive and useful way made the process very interesting, involving, fun and successful. We learnt a lot from each other and enjoyed every discussion and activity we had.
A very interesting part was learning how to combat cyberbullying using theater tools. It was an excellent way of learning and using the power of the theater to notice, respond and how to deal with cyberbullying, internet security and online predators through the theatrical methods gave us new perspectives and a deeper understanding of the topic.
In addition, another interesting activity that gave us the opportunity to express our creativity was writing a sentence using only emojis. During the activity and after the discussion, we realized that all people interpret different emoticons differently, and that a better way to express our feelings is through emotions than through emojis.
Things we also learned in this training course were the tools for non-formal learning and how they can be used. We had the task to do a certain activity using non-formal learning tools, to explain how it will be implemented, to whom it will be implemented, where, for how long, and so on. In the practical part of the project, we did that. This task opened our minds, we got into the task, we developed our creativity, our organizational and communication skills and (time) management skills. We worked in a group, united and committed, together we used the time in a very useful way and at the same time we had so much fun.
The best part of this adventure was the friends we made along the way who came from different countries and cultures. Thanks to the CET Platform we got the chance to expand our network of friends, to get a real insight into other cultures and traditions, but most importantly to create strong connections with many amazing and unique people, dear friends who shaped us into better personalities. And they will always be a part of us and our memories.
Our experience from this training course was amazing and unforgettable, so in that context we encourage you to apply for a future project of the Erasmus Plus program and learn things in very interesting ways, to develop your skills, to create long-term friendships, to create memories. and be part of the unforgettable memories of others. Maybe in the future we will create memories together!