Youth exchange “Youth Leaders for Youth Initiatives” in Gudevica, Bulgaria
Five representatives of CET platforma from the 8th to 16th of July 2021 attended a youth exchange “Youth Leaders for Youth Initiatives” in Gudevica, Bulgaria.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
Five representatives of CET platforma from the 8th to 16th of July 2021 attended a youth exchange “Youth Leaders for Youth Initiatives” in Gudevica, Bulgaria.
5 representatives of CET platforma from the 1st to 9th of July 2021 attended a youth exchange “Social Influencers” in Ioannina, Greece alongside young people from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Croatia. This is their impression from the project.
Education 4.0 for Youth is a 2 year Erasmus+ funded project to identify and upskill the basic technical abilities of youth in schools.
Learn more about our current project that aims to identify the basic IT skills, strengths, weaknesses and gaps of students learning in virtual environments.
From the 4th to the 15th of March 2020, 3 representatives from CET Platform Macedonia, attended a training course “Boosters of Youth Employability” that held place in Thessaloniki, Greece, alongside youth workers from Greece, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania and Cyprus.
Третата работилница во рамки на проектот за трансформација на јавни простори ‘Living Spaces – Живи Простори’ беше одржана на 29-ти февруари во просториите на Црвен Крст – Општинска Организација Гази Баба во Скопје. На оваа работилница одлучивме за дизајн на просторот
После успешно спроведените информативни работилници за проектот за трансформација на јавни површини ‘Living Spaces – Живи Простори’ на 29.02.2020 (сабота) ќе се одржи третата работилница од овој проект. На истата ќе се разработува дизајн за веќе одбраниот простор на кој ќе се изврши трансформацијата и ќе разгледуваме какви материјали да се искористат, каде и како може да се набават истите.
The Training Course ‘Let Them Be Heard’ was the second activity for this Mobility of Youth Workers. It was held in Braga, Portugal from 12th – 20th February 2020. Three participants from our organization were working with other representatives from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. In the first days of…