Youth exchange “Soften Your Skills” in Zagreb, Croatia
The youth exchange “Soften Your Skills” took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 29 September – 03 October 2021.
Здружение за едукација и тренинг ЦЕТ ПЛАТФОРМА Скопје
The youth exchange “Soften Your Skills” took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 29 September – 03 October 2021.
From 20th to 28th of September 2021, three participants from CET platform took part in a training course in Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of this training was “Creativity 4 Change”.
After two online meetings because of COVID-19 pandemic, the six partner organizations working on the “Exodus” project, were finally able to meet this year in Malaga, Spain, from 3rd to 12th of September 2021.
Thirty youth leaders, youth workers, lecturers and activists from ten different European countries gathered in the small Greek city of Trikala. Their goal? To make the world a better and fairer place.
Kick-Off meeting of “Education 4.0 for Youth” project held in 2 to 3 of September 2021 in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, successfully brought all partners of the project together.
Seven representatives from CET platforma participated in the youth exchange “Media Literacy for Youth“, which took place from 19th to 26th August 2021 in Lovech, Bulgaria
Read the summary of our participants from the youth exchange „Youth’s Perspective on Employment“ in Çankırı, Turkey from 16th to 22nd of August 2021.
Eight representatives participated in the youth exchange “Youth Unity and Inclusive Camp” from 20th to 31st of July 2021 in Stratoni, Greece.