From 20th to 28th of September 2021, three participants from CET platforma took part in a training course in Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of this training was “Creativity 4 Change”. The time that we spent there was of great quality, we had very interesting workshops in which we learned about cultural and creative industries. Also, we learned about youth participation and how they can develop in the topic of this project. Throughout the activities we had chances to explore and discuss in different multicultural groups and working besides these amazing people I learned a lot from the differences. And this helped with one of the project topics which was “Diversity”. Personally, for me this topic was one of the most interesting workshops. I very much enjoyed the discussion with participants from 8 different countries.
On the other hand, we had a chance to try food and drinks from every country, and to learn a lot of new things about them. We spent two days as part of the project to explore Bosnia and Herzegovina, we visited Bihac and the National Park “Una” and the city of Kljuc and the old town. Along with the traveling we also had a lot of activities in nature.
I was very pleased with the hosting organization “Youth development center Dekameron”, they were super nice and took care of everything. And the best part is that I have met amazing people and friends for life. As I packed myself to go back to North Macedonia, I packed beautiful memories with me. Hope to see them again in the continuation of this project.
Thank you for the amazing hospitality, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
– Summary written by Sandra Josifovska