First of all, we all want to thank You for the given chance to participate in such an awesome project. We enjoyed our time spent in Neu Nagelberg, we met a lot of new great people, and we made friendships for life. At the beginning we were kind of surprised because we expected some strict rules and a lot of work, but the sessions were so funny and relaxed, so we wished it never ended. Our days started with morning Yoga sessions led by Orsi and he did a really good job. After the morning session was breakfast than daily session, which was all the time fun, we played a lot of games to connect with each other, these sessions were led by Francesco, and he did a very good job also. The favorite part for us that we were given a chance to be a Facilitators for 2 days, we were split in groups and every group had its own project to done, it was so much fun and challenging and we all did a great job! We had so much fun hanging out with all the participants all the time, the internet was poor and that is a really good thing so we could manage to see that life is more fun when you are not online. The accommodation was really nice, comfortable and clean, the food was not that bad, but we have the best food in Macedonia and at the beginning it was challenging to eat only vegetarian food, but we got used to it very fast.
This resume is written by Perica, Isidora and Bisera.