Check out some memories and shots from the Erasmus+ Training course “Learning and Development Through Youth Work”, in Fão, Portugal from 16th to 24th of May 2022 on which we have sent 3 representatives.
The aim of the Training Course was to increase the competencies youth workers, trainers, youth leaders from 9 different countries, in designing and delivering new activities based on the experiential learning model, to enforce the synergies between formal and non-formal education by creating a toolkit with tested experiential tools, available for free for youth workers, to capitalize the power of experiential learning for organizational development of the parties involved, to prepare quality non-formal project based on experiential learning among EU and EECA countries, matching the new requirements of Erasmus+ program with their organization, to offer the opportunity of meeting possible partner groups among EU and EECA countries.
The project was attended by 27 youth workers from 9 countries: Portugal, Sweden, Serbia, Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine and North Macedonia.