
Training course "Rising digital Youth Workers" in Stara Krasnica, Poland

From 13th to 20th January, representative of CET Platforma took part in the Training course “Rising digital Youth Workers” in Stara Krashnica, Poland. This mobility was preceded by the seminar “Let’s get online” and brought together youth workers from North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Portugal, Poland and Turkey…

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PBA “Sport as a Tool for Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship” in Vienna, Austria

In the period from 18-23.11.2019, there was a Partnership Building Activity ‘Sport as a Tool for Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship’ that took place in Vienna, Austria. 30 participants from 15 countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey) represented their organization or the organization they…

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Seminar “United for Diversity and Inclusion” in Thessaloniki, Greece

From the 5th to 12th of October, 3 representatives of CET Platform Macedonia participated in the seminar “United for Diversity and Inclusion” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was hosted by United Societies of Balkans, an NGO that works in the field of youth mobility, participation, and facilitation of youth awareness about social issues.…

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Training course”SMILE!” in Gudevitsa, Bulgaria

Three representatives of CET Platform Macedonia participated at the training course for youth workers “SMILE! -Positive psychology, Creativity and Nature  for inclusion of marginalized youth” that took place in Gudevitsa, Bulgaria from 26/09/2019 to 04/10/2019. Anastasija, Timotej and Sandra, together with people from Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, UK, France, Italy, Poland and Czech Republic managed…

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