Тhe Training Course “European Citizens for Global Responsibility – introduction to global education in youth work” took place from 2nd to 10th of December 2022 hosted in Krzyżowa, Poland. The aim of the mobility of youth workers coming from Greece, Czech Republic, Croatia, North Macedonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Italy is to introduce global education methodology and approach into practices of partner organizations.
We believe that popularization of Global Education may influence prevention of radicalization and xenophobia in groups of young Europeans. Besides its educational value, global education also offers impressive versatility. It tackles issues related to culture, economy, climate, migrations, active citizenship, and many others. It also provides tools to work with diverse target groups, from kindergarten kids to adults, providing engaging and easy to use methods. This versatility, ease of use, and potential to respond to rising needs of our communities make global education a perfect response to many needs of youth, youth workers and youth organizations.
Objectives of this project were:
- deepen understanding of situation of young people in Europe and understand the global context of it;
- to learn versatile and engaging methodology of non-formal education;
- to learn about global connections and aspects of our everyday actions and decisions;
- learn and exchange good practices in youth work with other youth workers and organization;
- practice newly acquired methods in safe and friendly environment;
- understand our responsibilities as youth workers in civic education of young European and global citizens;
- learn about the new Erasmus+ programme and its potential for supporting non-formal education.
The workshops were implemented using non-formal education methods with strong stress on learning-by- doing and peer learning principles, allowing space for experiential learning and free exchange of ideas.